Greg SurmaCNN Explainer - Interpreting Convolutional Neural Networks (3/N)Visualizing Convolutional FeaturesFeb 1, 20211Feb 1, 20211
Greg SurmaCNN Explainer - Interpreting Convolutional Neural Networks (2/N)Visualizing Gradient Weighted Class Activations with GradCAMJan 23, 20211Jan 23, 20211
Greg SurmaCNN Explainer - Interpreting Convolutional Neural Networks (1/N)Generating Area Importance Heatmaps with OcclusionsJan 9, 20213Jan 9, 20213
Greg SurmaJetson - Self-Driving Toy Car (Part: 2)Computer Vision Sensing & CNN Perception Improvements 🤖🚗Dec 21, 20204Dec 21, 20204
Greg SurmaJetson - Self-Driving Toy Car (Part: 1)Car Assembly, System Design and Basic AI Autopilot Motion 🤖🚗Dec 5, 20204Dec 5, 20204
Greg SurmaImage Tagger - Multi-Label CNN Image ClassificationSmart Hashtag GenerationJul 4, 2020Jul 4, 2020
Greg SurmaMeta Intelligence - Writing Programs That Write Programs (Part 1: Genetic Evolution)Metaprogramming with AIJun 4, 20193Jun 4, 20193
Greg SurmaCaged Brain - Can Computer Predict Your Next Move? 🧠 vs 🤖AI Predictions with Simple Statistical MethodsApr 22, 2019Apr 22, 2019
Greg SurmaPrison Escape - Solving Prisoner’s Dilemma with Machine LearningDemystifying the Most Famous Game Theory ProblemApr 8, 2019Apr 8, 2019
Greg SurmaFace Generator - Generating Artificial Faces with Machine Learning 🧑Creating Realistic Faces with DCGANsMar 4, 20194Mar 4, 20194
Greg SurmaImage Generator - Drawing Cartoons with Generative Adversarial NetworksGenerating Simpsons with DCGANsFeb 11, 20194Feb 11, 20194
Greg SurmaDeep Traffic - DQN Tuning for Traffic Navigation 🚗Crowdsourced Hyperparameter Tuning Competition (75.01 MPH)Jan 24, 20192Jan 24, 20192
Greg SurmaStyle Transfer - Styling Images with Convolutional Neural NetworksCreating Beautiful Image EffectsJan 13, 201910Jan 13, 201910
Greg SurmaHistopathologic Cancer Detector - Machine Learning in MedicineIdentifying Tumors with Transfer Learning and CNNsDec 17, 20183Dec 17, 20183
Greg SurmaDigit Recognizer - Introduction to Kaggle CompetitionsSolving MNIST Digit Recognition Task (0.995)Dec 2, 2018Dec 2, 2018
Greg SurmaImage Classifier - Cats🐱 vs Dogs🐶Leveraging Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Google Colab’s Free GPUNov 19, 201815Nov 19, 201815
Greg SurmaPassword Cracker - Generating Passwords🔑🔓Language Modeling with Recurrent Neural Networks (LSTMs)Oct 29, 20182Oct 29, 20182
Greg SurmaText Predictor - Generating Rap Lyrics 📄Language Modeling with Recurrent Neural Networks (LSTMs)Oct 22, 20188Oct 22, 20188
Greg SurmaAtari - Solving Games with AI 🤖 (Part 1: Reinforcement Learning)Demystifying Double Deep Q-LearningOct 2, 20185Oct 2, 20185
Greg SurmaCartpole - Introduction to Reinforcement Learning (DQN - Deep Q-Learning)Solving OpenAI Gym EnvironmentSep 26, 20188Sep 26, 20188